Setting up multiple hosted exchange accounts in one Outlook 2010 on Windows 7


Set up the first account with the supplied setup facility. That is the easiest. However these instructions will also work for the first account

In windows go into: Control Panel / mail / email accounts

Click on New…

and you get



Click next

The select “Manually configure…..



Then Next

And select “Microsoft Exchange or compatible service”


then Next

And enter the right server and username:


The click “More Settings”

And in the “Connections” tab down the bottom select “Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP”


Then click “Exchange Proxy Settings…”

And fill the page in as appropriate (server names might be different to these)


Then OK and OK and Next

Then you will have to log in with the right username and password and the setup of the second account is complete.

Speed up web page loading from the server


put this code:

# Compress content
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml text/javascript text/css application/x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html


into the .htaccess file in the root of your site and see it load faster.

Troubleshooting Common Internet and VoIP Problems


A list of most common issues that you will encounter and how to fix them:

The internet on your PC is not working:
Restart your PC.

Everybodies internet is not working:
Restart the data/internet router.

The buttons on your phone have turned orange:
Power cycle the phone.

The buttons on everybodies phones have turned orange:
Restart the VoIP router (usually labled V) and power cycle all the phones.

Phone is displaying “Checking DNS”:
Restart the VoIP router (usually labled V).

Microphone button on the phone has turned red:
Check the network cable at the back of the phone(the one with the square tip). Unplug it and plug it back in.


How to open/view archived Outlook .PST and Data Files for all versions


I beleive this only works with Outlook 2007 and later.

To attach a data file to existing email/personal folders in Outlook:

Tools>Account Options/Settings>Data Files..
Find the one you want and check where it is located

Go to:
File>Open>Data file…
Navigate to directory that we found in the step above, select the data file (or .pst file) and and click open

This will load it on the left along with your personal folder and inboxes.


If you are trying to do this on an earlier version of Outlook, there is another way to do this.

Go to Control Panel>Mail

Click the Data Files button

When the window pops up click on ‘Add…’

Navigate to directory that we found in window that popped up before, select the data file (or .pst file) and and click open

This should have the same result as above and is a bit quicker.



Out of Office reply using Outlook Rules


Firstly you will need to create a new email and write whatever you want your Out Of Office reply to say. When you are happy with it, save it as a a .oft template. (see image for reference)



Then go to:


-Rules and Alerts

-New Rule

-Select ‘Check messages when they arrive’ under the Start from a blank rule category at the very bottom of the list.


-Tick ‘sent only to me’


Select whether you want it forwarded to someone else or moved to a folder. Select ‘reply using a specific template’. Click the link and navigate to ‘User Templates in File System’ (see image for reference).






That should do it. Test to make sure it is working fine and make sure you untick it when not out of the office.

Bigpond/Optus wireless and Blue Nets outgoing mail server port restrictions


When out and about and are unable to send mail for no apparent reason or when using a bigpond connection:

Try changing the outgoing mail server port from 25 to either 587 or 9393.

This little workaround should allow you to send mail.
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport $srcPortNumber -j REDIRECT --to-port $dstPortNumber

Manual PhpMyAdmin Installation

  1. Download the latest stable version of the PhpMyAdmin software.
  2. Extract the archive file on your computer. Then upload the extracted files and folders through an FTP Client.
  3. Place them at the exact location where you would like to access the software. If you want to open it directly through you should place the content of the extracted directory straight under the an appropriately named folder eg, PhpMyAdmin under your account. Substitute with your actual domain name.
  4. Request from your web hosting supplier a MySQL database, user name and password with sufficient privileges or use existing privilege
  5. Load the PhpMyAdmin page using the corresponding URL (for example, where you should substitute with your actual domain name).
  6. Enter the database username and the corresponding password. In this way you will be able to manage all the databases for which the database user has privileges. Click on the Go button to log in.
  7. Now you can proceed with the databases management.

Handling Outlook PST files


Open a .pst file

If you created a .pst file that does not appear in the Navigation Pane, add the .pst file to Outlook so that you can work with the items in it.

1. On the File menu, point to Open, and then click Outlook Data File.
2. Browse to the location of your wanted PST file.
3. Click the .pst file that you want to open, and then click OK.

The name of the folder that is associated with the data file appears in the Folder List. To view the Folder List, on the Go menu, click Folder List. By default, the folder will be called Personal Folders.


Close an Outlook Data File (.pst)

When you no longer need frequent access to an Outlook Data File (.pst), you can close the file. A closed file no longer appears in the Navigation Pane, but is not deleted from your computer.

* Right-click the name of the Outlook Data File (.pst) that you want to remove from the Navigation Pane, and then click Close name.

Close Outlook Data File (.pst) command


Make CENTOS mount NTFS


Download fuse & ntfs-3g.

Use Yum:

Prompt>yum install -y fuse ntfs-3g

Mount the partition:
[root@server1~]# mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sda9 /mnt/temp

This assumes /dev/sda9 is the NTFS partition and /mnt/temp is the place to mount it to.