February 15th, 2016 admin
There is a multitude of ways to change the admin password for a wordpress installation. Do a Google search, if you don’t like this one.
I find the easiest to change it directly in the database (database details can be looked up, if you have FTP access and can look at wp-config.php)
- Create an MD5 encrypted password – http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/md5.php
- Log in to your database : Home > Database Management > phpMyAdmin
- Credentials can be found on Home > Database Management > MySQL User
- Once logged in, find the wp_users table in your database
- Select the user you want to change by clicking on the pencil icon
- Change the user_pass field by copying the MD5 password created above into the field. Make sure MD5 is selected for the changes to reflect.
Then you can log in again.
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January 31st, 2016 admin
This is done with another plugin:
All In One WP Security & Firewall
by Tips and Tricks HQ, Peter, Ruhul, Ivy
It has a wonderful set of all sorts of security features. Go to the plugin homepage for more information and details.
I have only activated 4 features:
- I changed the default admin login username to something different. Thus making it harder for potential attacks to get the first half of the access details by guessing.
- I am locking them out if they use a wrong username. So to reduce the opportunity to get in.
- I locked down the login. So after 3 wrong login attempts (with the existing username) the IP address is locked out for a long time. Thus slowing down any brute force attacks.
- I require Captcha (from the Brute Force section) for all logins. This makes Brute force and script kiddy attempts a thing of the past, because they need to solve a simple calculation (eg. 1+2=)
All other options are well documented in the plugin.
Well done 5 Stars from me.
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January 31st, 2016 admin
This is the most simple WordPress backup solution. It automatically backs up your entire WordPress installation. Files and Database.
Yes it is not backed up off-site, but it stays on the server. So it is no good for when your server gets lost. You will need to look for another solution to automate it. Perhaps you can backup the resulting file from this solution offsite with a directory syncing plugin.
You would use this to backup and have a way to restore, if you made a mistake or got hacked.
This is the plugin to install
BackUpWordPress from humanmade
After install and activation you will need to go into Backups and add a schedule of the desired frequency. Make sure you select Backup: Both Database & Files
It then will generate a backup, which you can install into another server (same PHP and MySQL version seems to work best)
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