November 27th, 2016 admin
I am unbelievably annoyed about the recommended posts in my own tumblr dashboard.
Here is what to you do to get rid of / cancel / delete / don’t show the recommended posts in tumblr dashboard.
- Install Adblock Plus (available for Firefox and Google Chrome)
- Click Options
- Click Add your own filters
- Add the following filter:[data-is_recommended=”1″]
That’s it.
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June 8th, 2011 admin
put this code:
# Compress content
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml text/javascript text/css application/x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
into the .htaccess file in the root of your site and see it load faster.
Posted in Web design | Comments Off on Speed up web page loading from the server
March 1st, 2011 admin
- Download the latest stable version of the PhpMyAdmin software.
- Extract the archive file on your computer. Then upload the extracted files and folders through an FTP Client.
- Place them at the exact location where you would like to access the software. If you want to open it directly through you should place the content of the extracted directory straight under the an appropriately named folder eg, PhpMyAdmin under your account. Substitute with your actual domain name.
- Request from your web hosting supplier a MySQL database, user name and password with sufficient privileges or use existing privilege
- Load the PhpMyAdmin page using the corresponding URL (for example, where you should substitute with your actual domain name).

- Enter the database username and the corresponding password. In this way you will be able to manage all the databases for which the database user has privileges. Click on the Go button to log in.
- Now you can proceed with the databases management.
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January 9th, 2008 admin
MailTo Syntax
August 15, 2003 The MailTo command can do more than enter a single e-mail address in the “Send To” field while activating your e-mail program. It can also:
Feature |
Syntax |
Address message to multiple recipients |
, (comma separating e-mail addresses) |
Add entry in the “Subject” field |
?subject=Subject Field Text |
Add entry in the “Copy To” or “CC” field |
?&cc=id@internet.node |
Add entry in the “Blind Copy To” or “BCC” field |
?&bcc=id@internet.node |
Add entry in the “Body” field |
?&body=Your message here |
” ” (beginning and ending double quotes) are necessary if any spaces are used
Use the ? (question mark) and only one “?”, when providing any entry beyond e-mail addressSome examples, with actual HTML Code included, follow:
Simple MailTo
<a href=””>
MailTo with Multiple Recipients
<a href=” , “>
MailTo with Subject
<a href=” ?subject=Comments from MailTo Syntax Page “>
MailTo with a Copy
<a href=” ?& “>
MailTo with a Blind Copy
<a href=” ?& “>
MailTo with message already started in Body
<a href=” ?&body=I am having trouble finding information on “>
MailTo with multiline message in Body
<a href=” ?&body=The message’s first line. &body=Second line. &body=Third Line. “>
IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature will NOT work with all e-mail programs, in which case the body information appears as a single line.Features may be used in combination
MailTo with Subject, One Recipient and Two Copies
<a href=” Comments&,id@internet.node”>
Remember to use only one ? (question mark), when providing multiple entries beyond e-mail address
By reading and/or using the information within this web page you agree to hold the author, publisher and all related entities harmless from any claim directly or indirectly related to the information given or the use of any part of the information on this web site. Use at own risk. No responsibility taken.
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