January 17th, 2012 admin
Are you trying to decide between fiber optic and copper cabling for your computer networking application? If the not-so-mere fact that fiber optics have completely revolutionized communications over the past couple of decades isn’t enough for you, CableOrganizer.com would like to share a few more reasons why you should definitely consider fiber optic cable:
- Fiber optic is so much more efficient…and secure. Compared to copper cabling, fiber optic cables can transmit far more information, with a greater degree of fidelity. Fiber optic cabling also offers extra security for the data being transmitted, since it is much harder to tap than copper cable.
- Only fiber optics can go the distance. Not only is fiber optic cable capable of carrying far more data than copper, it also has the ability to carry that information for much longer distances.
- Fiber optics can’t be interfered with! Because fiber optic cables are glass-based, they don’t conduct electricity. This eliminates the need for grounding, and makes them immune to any type of electrical interference, even lightning. Since fiber optic cabling is so resistant to interference and atmospheric conditions, it can be used outdoors — and in close proximity to electrical cables –without concern.
- Fiber optic cables don’t mind roughing it. Glass fibers don’t only escape interference…they are virtually free from the threat of corrosion, too! While copper cabling is sensitive to water and chemicals, fiber optic cabling runs almost no risk of being damaged by harsher elements. As a result, fiber optic cable can easily endure “living conditions” that coaxial cable just can’t, such as being put in direct contact with soil, or in close proximity to chemicals.
- You may be surprised by fiber optics, but you won’t be shocked. A major benefit of fiber optic cable is that it doesn’t pose a threat of physical injury to the user if it breaks. Since fiber optic cabling transmits light and not electricity, the people handling it run no risk of injury from fire, sparking or electrocution.
Let fiber optics take your telecommunications or datacom network to a whole new level.
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November 9th, 2011 admin
I have a running instance (virutal server) with an additional attached volume (virtual hard disk) on Amazon AWS and I need to make a snapshot (back it up) regularly. So I can restore it quickly if need be.
For this purpose the following steps are taken:
- Setup another machine either inside or outside of AWS with the EC tools (http://aws.amazon.com/developertools/351). I chose one of the preconfigured Amazon images with EC2 tools already installed and spun up a micro instance in the same region as my servers, that then controls all the backing up of all my instances. It does not matter in which region the backup server controller is spun up, but it will only make snapshots in the region the backed up volume or instance resides.
- It is vital to have a valid X509 certificate with the private key. Create it in the Security Essentials section of AWS.
- Next you will need to know the volume IDs you want to back up. They are found in the Amazon AWS Management Console under EC2 / Elastic Block Store / Volumes
- The command to use to create a snapshot is:
ec2-create-snapshot -C cert-YOURCERT.pem -K pk-YOURPK.pem VOLUME-ID -d “An optional description (I also use the $(date +%C%g%m%d%H%M%S%N) to timestamp my snapshot”This will make the snapshot appear in the Amazon AWS Management Console under EC2 / Elastic Block Store / SnapshotsYou could automate this with cron.
- From within the Amazon AWS Management Console under EC2 / Elastic Block Store / Snapshots you can create an Image from your snapshot (which then appears in EC2 / Images /AMIs) or a create a volume (which then appears in EC2 / Elastic Block Store / Volumes)
- The resulting AMI can be spun up as a new instance or the volume can be attached to a running instance and appears as an additional disk.
Steps 1 to 4 describe Backup.
Steps 5 and 6 describe Restore.
Note: I have not tested this with running databases (MySQL or PostgreSQL). If in doubt shutdown databases first then create the snapshot. Then start the databases up again.
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March 25th, 2011 admin
A list of most common issues that you will encounter and how to fix them:
The internet on your PC is not working:
Restart your PC.
Everybodies internet is not working:
Restart the data/internet router.
The buttons on your phone have turned orange:
Power cycle the phone.
The buttons on everybodies phones have turned orange:
Restart the VoIP router (usually labled V) and power cycle all the phones.
Phone is displaying “Checking DNS”:
Restart the VoIP router (usually labled V).
Microphone button on the phone has turned red:
Check the network cable at the back of the phone(the one with the square tip). Unplug it and plug it back in.
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October 21st, 2010 admin

OPEN 501R ADSL Router
Application Note
Password Recovery
Copyright© 2001 OPEN Networks Limited. All rights reserved. The content of this manual is subject to change without notice. The information and messages contained herein are proprietary to OPEN Networks Pty Limited. No part of this manual may be translated, transcribed, reproduced, in any form, or by any means without prior written permission by OPEN Networks Limited.
It is possible to restore the 501R to the factory defaults if you have forgotten the administrator password.
This requires physical access to the 501R to use the RS232 console port.
This procedure uses the developer debug interface to the 501R and should be done with caution as experimenting with the other features may irreversibly corrupt the router.
1. Connect a RS232 serial cable from your PC to the console port on the 501R.
2. Set your terminal emulator programme to 115 kbit/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
3. Reboot the 501R (pull the power plug).
4. Press and hold the A key while the 501R boots up. The following screen will appear:
[I] ADSL Router Information
[S] Software Download (X-Modem)
[E] Erase Current Parameter
[D] Debug Tools
[C] Change Console Baud Rate
[R] Reboot…
5. Press E to erase the configuration and restore to factory defaults. The screen will display:
OlErase success . ..
6.Press Esc then R to reboot
7. Change your terminal emulator programme to 9600 bit/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
8.Reprogram the 501R with your configuration. Write to flash and reboot.
Further Help
Further help can be found from:
• Service Provider: please contact your Service Provider.
Before servicing or disassembling this equipment, always disconnect all power and telephone lines from the wall outlet
Use an appropriate power supply and a UL Listed telephone line cord. Specification of the power supply is clearly stated in Appendix B – Specification of the OPEN 501R User Guide.
The socket outlet must be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
The socket outlet must be protected by a suitable fuse at the local switch board for short circuit or over current
This product will not function without mains power.
Posted in Hardware | Comments Off on 501R Reset Procedure (Official)
August 29th, 2010 admin
Open command prompt window:

enter (replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with your desired IP address or hostname of the router to control):
You will be presented with the login screen:

Enter approriate username and password and press enter. You will be repsented with the Main Menu:

Use the cursor key down to go to [REBOOT]

Then the cursor key right. You will be presented with this screen:

Enter Y. then the system will reboot.
After a while you should be able to log in again.
See here for some original Open Networks 501R docs: http://support.blue.net.au/downloads/open501r/
Posted in Hardware | Comments Off on Rebooting a Open Networks 501R ADSL router via the telnet interface
January 6th, 2009 admin
The principle is to get rid of whatever the network provider has put onto the modem and replace it with a generic version. It is called “Firmware upgrade”. This may void the warranty with your provider.
You may also find, it is more complicated (but not impossible to do) to set up connectivity with a new network provider.
- Download http://support.blue.net.au/downloads/e220unlockingWITH-WINxp.zip and unzip it into a convenient folder
- Connect HUAWEI E220 to a USB port on the Windows XP computer (assuming the XP computer works well and all setups are default)
- Update firmware by running E220Update_11. and follow instructions given along the way. (Alternatively run E220Update_11. for an older version of the same)
- Install new generic “Dashboard” by installing HOST11.
Updated versions of the programs may be obtained here:
The above information has derived from help on this site:
By reading and/or using the information within this web page you agree to hold the author, publisher and all related entities harmless from any claim directly or indirectly related to the information given or the use of any part of the information on this web site. Use at own risk. No responsibility taken.
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