Set up your POP3 account on iPhone or iPad running iOS7 and above
Please note that the screenshots below are taken from an iPad device, but the interface of an iPhone should look almost the same. Contact our support team for further assistance.
1. On your iOS device, click on Settings, then Mail, Contacts, Calendars, then Add Account.
2. Select Other.
4. Select Add mail account.
5. Type your email address and password. You can put anything on the Description box. The Next button should be available upon entering the required details. Tap Next when done.
6. You might encounter an error message (mostly for iPhones), just select Continue to move on to the next window, otherwise, select POP then fill in the required details as shown on the screenshots.
7. You will encounter an error message, just select Continue to move on to the next window.
8. You will get this message, Cannot connect using SSL. Choose No.
9. You will now have an overview of your account details. Tap Save to continue.
10. Go back to the settings window, then select Advanced.
11. Make sure you have the same settings as the screenshot below.
12. Go back to the settings window, then select SMTP, then select your Primary Server.
13. Make sure you have the same settings as below.
14. When you are finished, tap Done and open your email through the Mail App. You might get the same security message (see step 7), just tap Continue, and you should be able to download your messages and send as well.